To learn more about Plymouth or submit a prayer request, please click on the button below.
December Mission Offering: Warm clothes for trafficking survivors
Our December mission offering goes to providing hats, scarves and gloves to 50 trafficking survivors and their 62 children. These brave people are clients of Restore, our faith-based anti-trafficking partner. As they rebuild their lives and provide for their children, let’s bring comfort and warmth -- and the knowledge that they are valued and loved. Our goal is to raise $2,000.
Give with Joy
As we gather for worship online, we kindly invite you to set up your offering online. Plymouth is continuing to work steadfast in its unwavering mission to help us all connect as a community, grow in our faith, and serve those who are most vulnerable. Your offering is key to helping that mission continue.
We invite you to join us for Sunday Worship in the Plymouth sanctuary Sundays at 11:00 AM. Please enter by way of 57 Orange Street. Doors open at 10:30 AM. Coffee Hour to follow in the Arcade and Reception Room.