Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled.
Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
—Luke 6:20-21

As followers of Jesus, we know the joy of giving ourselves away. Serving connects our faith to community and brings us into God’s transforming work. Plymouth has many chances to serve in our broader community and in our own church. Take a look through these opportunities and find a time to give yourself in love. 

Join the Mexico Trip Service Team

In September 2025, Plymouth has the opportunity to travel to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, to learn, serve, pray and play together. We will be staying in casitas, working at Casita Linda, Tikkun, and the ABBA migrant shelter, worshipping with local churches, and learning from God’s people in Mexico. We have space for 16 people on this intergenerational trip.

Because of the work we will be doing, our team members must be at least 13 years-old to participate. Sign up to be part of the team on Realm. The deadline to join is March 15.


Every Monday, in partnership with Team TLC, we provide hospitality and support services to those in need. Part of creating a safe space is providing food and welcome. If you would like to serve as an usher or donate food for this weekly event, please sign up here.

English Conversation Partners | Sundays @ 3:00 PM

Come volunteer at our ESL Conversation Table weekly on Sundays at 3:00PM. No other language skills are necessary—just patient conversation partners. Contact Lesley-Ann to get on the list to volunteer.

Be a Worship Usher

Our worship depends on the hospitable presence of our ushers. They welcome us to worship, collect the offering, and make sure everyone is taken care of. Will you consider serving as a Sunday morning usher too? Sign up to be an usher one Sunday this fall by following the link or reaching out to Lesley-Ann.

More Volunteer Opportunities

Service for the well-being of others is an important way to act out our faith. Plymouth is proud to be partnering with these organizations listed below who work towards hunger relief, housing, education, and more. Click on the tiles below to explore the various ways to volunteer!

Apply for a Grant

Every year, Plymouth Church awards grants to neighboring nonprofits doing local work in our community. Please click on the link below to apply for a grant.

Other Plymouth Ministries

Housing Resources

New York City is experiencing a housing crisis with residents unable to meet their basic needs. If you, or someone you know, are seeking information on shelters, food pantries, free meals, public showers, legal services and more, please click on the following guide provided by Coalition for the Homeless.