The Way of Jesus | Advent and Christmas at Plymouth

We are expected to pursue the way of success, comfort, and security, but the coming of Christ shows us a better way.  December is a chance to consider the ways in which a deeper life is possible.  We can use these days to take stock of the amazing gifts that come with Advent.  In a busy, cynical world, we need the miraculous life-giving gifts of God—hope, peace, joy, and love.

Wednesday Bible Study | Wednesdays @ 10:30 AM | Music room

Please join us for some midweek inspiration and fellowship at Bible study! Weekly on Wednesdays, our group meets at 10:30 AM in the Music Room, and we are always open to newcomers. Come get to know other Plymouth people and share over scripture. To be added to our email list, please email Elizabeth Snypes.

Volunteer @ Plymouth #plymouthcares

As followers of Jesus, we know the joy of giving ourselves away. Serving connects our faith to community and brings us into God’s transforming work. Plymouth has many chances to serve in our broader community and in our own church. Click here to take a look through these opportunities and find a time to give yourself in love. 

Children, youth & families

Learn more about Plymouth’s Children, Families, and Youth programming here.

Sunday worship | in-person or online | Sundays @ 11:00 AM

We invite you to join us for Sunday worship in-person or online. From our website you can watch the live-streamed service, access a digital copy of the bulletin, and set up your offering online. We’re grateful for the opportunity to connect with you every week!