The Way of Jesus
We are expected to pursue the way of success, comfort, and security, but the coming of Christ shows us a better way. December is a chance to consider the ways in which a deeper life is possible. We use these days to take stock of the amazing gifts that come with Advent. In a busy, cynical world, we need the miraculous life-giving gifts of God—hope, peace, joy, and love.
December 1 | Luke 1:5-25 | The Way of Hope
December 8 | Luke 1:26-38 | The Way of Peace
December 15 | Luke 1:39-55 | The Way of Joy
December 22 | Matthew 1:18-25 | The Way of Love
Every Sunday in Advent, we will have space to study together before worship. Come to share coffee with friends, take deep breaths, find some grounding, and listen for God. Lesley-Ann will lead Bible studies inspired by a video series exploring the light that guides our way.
The Way of Darkness: A Service of Hopeful Grief | Wednesday, December 4, 6:00 PM | Sanctuary
This season of the year can be difficult when we are dealing with loss. Some of us have a heart full of emotions unlike those we have known before. During this service Lesley-Ann will help us consider God's love for us in the darkness. This quiet time of worship will provide a safe space to name our grief, receive the gifts of music and reflection, and look for the hope of the way of Jesus as we move toward Christmas.
The Songs of Christmas: Wednesday Morning Bible Study | Wednesdays, December 4-18, 10:30 AM | MUSIC ROOM
If we want to understand what Christmas is about in the Bible, we should look at the songs we find there. Luke’s gospel contains the first Christmas carols. We’re going to look at three of them over the first three Wednesdays in Advent.
On December 4, Morgan will lead a study of the “Magnificat” (Luke 1:46-55) where Mary sings that Jesus will turn things upside down.
On December 11, Raymond will lead a conversation about Zechariah’s “Benedictus” (Luke 1:67-80).
On December 18, Brett will help us hear the “Gloria in excelsis” the angels singing to the shepherds God’s message of peace (Luke 2:1-20).
These first Christmas songs describe the way of Jesus.
Greening of the Church | Thursday, December 5, 6:00 PM
Join us for an evening of fellowship as we fill our church with Christmas carols, tree-trimming, crafting, fun and friends. Please bring a dish to share for the potluck dinner, featuring the annual Hot Dish contest. Have a favorite church casserole recipe from your youth? Now is the chance to see how it rates amongst the classics! Families with young children are welcome to come early.
Uncertain POor Shepherds: The Christmas Pageant | Sunday, December 8, 1:00 PM | Sanctuary
All are invited to join the children of Plymouth as they celebrate the Christmas story together. There will be angels, shepherds, and animals galore! Come for the adorable costumes, but stay for these kids’ commitment to sharing the gospel story. Leave room for the Christmas cookies that will cap off this joyful, family friendly event!
a service of lessons & carols | December 15 | 6:00 PM | Sanctuary
Plymouth Church shares the music of Christmas. Continuing Plymouth’s 92-year-old tradition, our choir’s gift to the community will be an evening of beautiful music accompanied by chamber orchestra. This will be a time within your busy season to experience God’s hope, peace, joy, and love through choral music, congregational song, and readings.
Christmas Caroling in the Neighborhood | Sunday, December 22 | 1:00 pm | meet in Beecher Garden
Caroling, caroling now we go, Christmas bells are ringing!
Calling for carolers of all ages. Join us as we spread Christmas cheer through the Brooklyn Heights community. Meet us in Beecher Garden at 1:00 PM for an hour of singing through the neighborhood.
Come prepared to lift your voice and share the joy of Christmas. Music will be provided.
CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY SERVICE | December 24 | 4:00 PM | Sanctuary
All are invited to this family friendly service the afternoon of Christmas Eve! We’ll be singing carols, hearing the Christmas story, and visiting the nativity! This joyful service is meant for all ages.
This service will be livestreamed on our Watch Worship webpage.
The Celebration of Christmas Eve | December 24 | 6:00 PM | Sanctuary
Most of what we do at Christmas is an attempt to feel the warmth of being home. Even those who have never had a good home carry a vision of Christmas within them. Christmas is longing to belong. The desire for home leads us to the manger, where God answers our deepest hopes.
This service will be livestreamed on our Watch Worship webpage.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion | December 24 | 10:00 PM | Sanctuary
We want to find our way to Bethlehem like shepherds to kneel and give thanks. We long for homemade bread and a cup of cheer. We need the hope we taste and see at Christmas.
We are grateful to return to the Plymouth tradition of giving joy with the Annual Toy Drive for Colony Houses South Brooklyn.
Colony has offered humanitarian services to the disadvantaged people of Brooklyn since 1904, runs over 25 day care centers and is in great need. In the wake of Covid their work has become more necessary than ever, as has the need for joy.
Our goal is 200 toys by Monday, December 16.
Shop from our Amazon Wish List!!
December Mission Offering: Warm clothes for trafficking survivors
Our December mission offering goes to providing hats, scarves and gloves to 50 trafficking survivors and their 62 children. These brave people are clients of Restore, our faith-based anti-trafficking partner. As they rebuild their lives and provide for their children, let’s bring comfort and warmth -- and the knowledge that they are valued and loved. Our goal is to raise $2,000.
Holiday Helpers Needed for Restore Holiday Market | Friday, December 6, 4:00 PM
Plymouth is hosting Restore's Holiday Market Friday evening, December 6, where trafficking survivors and their children "shop" for free! Come be one of Santa's helpers, to give out presents and spread Christmas cheer. There will be cookies, cocoa, and a live band, too! Volunteers needed! This is an event appropriate for older youth to volunteer.
Volunteer for the Little Flower Holiday Party | Saturday, December 7, 11:00 AM | Gym
The Little Flower Holiday Party is coming soon, and we will open our gym doors to our guests at 11:00 AM. We are inventorying our craft supplies and pulling out games and prepping our pizza order. We need a team of Plymouth volunteers to provide cupcakes, greet, run games, serve food, and break down.